Stanley Pat Elegance
for Daria's Brilliant

( Wind of Glory Della Valle Dei Lord x Bodyguard Land Geisha)
Import aus Russland
Geboren am : 13.04.2015
HD - B1
ED - 0
OCD - 0
Very Promising 1 - Club Show CZ
Viel versprechend 1 - Nürnberg 2016
V1, CAC Junior, BOB Junior - Chemnitz 2016
V2, res. CAC Junior - Europasieger Dortund 2016
V1, Best Junior, Best Female, Best of Breed - Wieselburg 2016
V1, Best Junior, Best of Breed - Innsbruck 2016
V1, Best Junior, Best Female, Best of Breed, Alpen-Jugendsieger 2016
Österreichischer Jugend Champion
V1, Jun. CAC, BEST Junior of BREED, VDH - Jugendsieger Leipzig 2016
V1, Jun. CAC, Best Junior of BREED, German Junior Winner 2016
* Internationaler Champion
* German Junior Champion
* Austrian Junior Champion
* German Junior Winner 2016
* Middle East European Winner 2016
* Annual Trophy Winner 2017 (erste Hündin die diesen Titel trägt)
* Candidate for German Champion
* Candidate for Austrian Champion
* Candidate for Interantional Champion
* Candidate for Swiss Champion
* Candidate for Belgian Champion
* Ex.1 in Open Class at WDS 2017